
Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Get Motivated at


  1. This guy is in great shape but what I would like to see is more exsposure of people over the age of 35 and beyond who workout regulary. This age group is often forgotten as all we see is images of younger people.

    I have trained for over 25 years and I am now a fit and healthy 44 year old male. I think there are more and more people of my age group who are looking after themselves and they are the ones who need the inspiration.

    1. I agree with this point view and want to add that on the internet there are many workouts programs for younger poeple while older category is somehow ignored. I'm still asking myself why it happens this way?

  2. HI.
    I would really and seriously like to know how i can get a slick, lean, hot body like the male model above.
    Im a pretty slim/thin guy, aged 32, but would like to have extremely washboard kind of abs, some amount of pouting chest, and well-built arms (which are extremely thin now).
    Can smbody pls share an exercise and/diet regimen for a thin guy like me? a regimen that is tried-tested on guyz of my build/age and that is most likely to show sureshot and fast success.
    Feel free to drop me an email on
    And am based in Mumbai, India.
