A few months back I wrote a post about a documentary I watched called Food, Inc.
The definition of grass fed beef is pretty straight forward. It's when the cows are allowed to roam freely and have a diet of grass and foliage, the way nature intended it. Grain fed beef, also known as Feedlot Beef, is where cows are cooped up in feeding lots and force fed grains, such as corn, soy and other by products. Why do food some manufactures grain feed their cattle? Because it is cheaper, and they can force the cow to grow faster by throwing in artificial chemicals and hormones which spurs them to maturity faster, and into your grocery store quicker than if they were fed a grass based diet. There used to be a time when cows would reach the ages of five years old before they were slaughtered for their meat but now food manufactures are growing them so fast that they are slaughtered at the age of one. Back in the 70's, processing plants used to slaughter around 170 cows per hour, where as today this number has ballooned to around 400 per hour to keep up with demand.
So what's wrong with feeding a cow corn, soy and other grains? I mean they are natural products and we eat them with no problems? Well cows weren't meant nor designed to eat and digest corn or other grains. In fact when some cows are switched from an all grass fed to diet to a grain fed diet, their digestive systems fail and develop what's known in the farming community as Feedlot bloat. It's a condition where a part of the stomach inflates due to a build up of gas that can kill the cow suddenly via suffocation due to the stomach pressing against the lungs and respiratory system. In addition to this, the corn and soy that cows are fed are genetically modified, adding further stress to their digestive systems.
But that's not where the problems end. Because of these artificial diets they are being forced to eat, as well of being in cramped in cages and standing in their own manure, their immune systems are suppressed which make them susceptible to a variety of diseases such Polio (specifically known as Feedlot Polio), but more severely, E.Coli. I'm sure you have heard of that one before. Ever switch on the news to hear that certain beef and beef products have been recalled from the supermarket shelves because of an E.Coli breakout? Well this is where it comes from. And if you don't cook that hamburger enough, or like your steak a little rare, and the meat is contaminated, then you are in for some nasty consequences.
The Food Poison Journal states that back in October 31st, 2009 the FSIS issued a notice about a recall of over 500,000 pounds of beef products from Fairbank Farms that may have been contaminated with E.Coli. 26 persons from 11 States were infected, and while that may not seem like a lot of people to some, it can cause anything from severe stomach cramps and diarrhea, to seizers, stroke, comas and death. One of those of 26 people infected died because of E.Coli infection. Ground meat, such as the one you buy in the grocery store, and the kind that makes up hamburger patties, are the most highly contaminated beef products in the United States.
So what do food manufacturers do to combat these diseases and illnesses? No, they don't do the logical thing and put the cows back to pasture on a grass fed diet, that would be too expensive and time consuming silly. They feed the cows antibiotics. Antibiotics that are so overused to combat these illnesses that the bugs that cause them are becoming resistant. Think that doesn't concern you? Well in Europe and other parts of the world, but not here in the US, they have completely banned the use of antibiotics and growth hormone in livestock because studies have shown that residue from these chemicals remain in the meat that ends up on your dinner plate. Yum!
But the risk of diseases and illnesses aren't the only things that set grass fed and grain fed beef apart, and if the above information wasn't enough to convince you, maybe this will. Turns out grain fed beef will actually make you fatter. Yes, you heard me. Fatter. Like bigger belly and thicker thighs fat. When a cow is fed a grain fed diet of corn, they grow faster and put on a lot more fat, and a grain fed steak will have more than double the amount of saturated fat marbled throughout it than a grass fed steak. Lets take a look at a few other grass fed benefits:
1. Grass fed beef has less calories than grain fed beef
2. Higher amounts of naturally occurring Omega 3s
3. Higher amounts of CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) which has been shown to promote fat loss in humans
4. Higher amounts of naturally occurring Vitamin C and E
5. Grass fed cattle has less impact on, and is more beneficial to, the environment.
Now before you go running off to the store to buy grass fed beef, there are a few things you need to be aware of when making your purchase. Not all grass fed beef are the same. Make sure you are purchasing grass fed, organic beef. This ensures that the grass the animal fed on was not fertilized with chemical pesticides. Unfortunately, just because it's grass fed does not mean it hasn't been exposed to these chemicals. On the flip side, if you beef says "organic" that doesn't mean it was grass fed, and most probably were still fed in feedlots. So choose your products wisely and always ask the butcher behind the meat section at the store who are normally more than happy to help.
Grass fed beef also isn't for everyone, as some people are so used to the high fat marbling content of grain fed beef that they find it a little chewy. The other downside is that because the public is only slowly coming around to grass fed beef and therefore the demand isn't all that high yet, it is slightly more expensive. In fact I couldn't find it at my local grocery store, and had to head to Whole Foods where I was blown away be the price, but would prefer to pay a little extra knowing it was better for me.
So before you go chowing down into that burger next time you are wanting a meat fix, or before you order your steak at a restaurant, spend some time to think about where that beef actually came from and how it was fed. Ask your server if it was grass fed, and if not, ask them if they can supply grass fed cuts of beef in the future. Your body, your environment, and maybe even a few four legged friends will thank you for it.
Healthy Boy x
Why not just eat the grains or grass yourself? Why have the cow eat 10 times the food it would take to feed a human?
ReplyDeleteBecause beef is tasty and grass is not.
DeleteUgh I got Ecoli poisoning from Topps Hamburger meat in that 2009 case you're talking about. That's some badassed stuff.
ReplyDeleteMy grocery store doesn't mark whether the beef is grain-fed or grass-fed. So how can you tell which it is?
@Christine it's grain fed unless it says otherwise. Grass-fed is way too expensive for grocery stores to stock, so if they do stock grass, they'll tell you about it and charge 3x more
ReplyDeleteGrass fed is harder to find. Typically, you can find it at health food stores - and even then the selection is small
ReplyDeleteI am raised on a beef farm. I enjoy the flavor and texture of grass finished beef more than corn finished beef because that's what I was raised on, the culls that we kept back that weren't good enough for the feedlot, that just ate grass around the yard. However, very few people I've ever met agree with my preference. It's tougher to chew because it's older, and has a slight wild game flavor. Most people prefer corn finished, flavor and texture and price. I disagree that feedlots are terrible places abusing and force feeding their diseased animals. The animals are treated very well. Do your research somewhere else other than the propaganda documentaries that Michael Moore and Michael Pollen and the rest have made. They are extremists, not realists.
ReplyDeleteWow, bandit, you are a fool if you think factory farm animals are treated well... Just because you were raised on a farm where cows got to walk around and eat grass and everything was sunshine and gumdrops doesn't mean that grain fed cows live the same lives. Michael Pollan is not trying to turn you into a vegetarian, but he is merely trying to show you how incredibly disconnected we are from our food; simply enlightening us on what goes into most food production. And it's not a pretty picture. Just because one is against animal abuse and highly condensed feed lots doesn't mean they're psychotic extreme vegetarian PETA followers, which appears to be what you fear. It doesn't even mean they're vegetarians. Please do some research.