
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Lights, Camera, Cook! - TV Guide Shoot

When I think of Gluten Free foods, images of hippie stoners in under washed clothes playing wooden flutes come to mind. I imagine them sitting in circles in remote areas of grassy hillside, holding hands whilst they pick daisies and sing acapella versions of Wilson Phillips songs. Imagine my surprise when I found that not only are Gluten free foods and recipes gaining popularity due to increasing diagnoses of gluten intolerances and Celiacs Disease, but they can also be great healthy alternatives to traditional meals for everyday non flower-wielding folks like you and me.

In between writing articles for my blog and Queerty, spending ridiculously large amounts of time trying to grow my tiny biceps at the gym, and even more time flexing them in the mirror, I've been working as a research assistant for celebrity nutritionist Christine Avanti. Christine wrote the awesome book "Skinny Chicks Don't Eat Salads". She has been featured on Rachel Ray, Fox News and E-News just to name a few, owns her own meal delivery service, and has worked with countless celebrities such as Chelsea Handler, Jeremy Piven, Giulianna Rancic...the list goes on.

Today we filmed a healthy cooking segment for TV Guide Channel with Dancing with the Stars beauty Kym Johnson. Kym killed it with Donnie Osmond to win last season and take the crown, leaving all the other contestants hanging from their sequin lined tight pants. Kym is a self professed novice in the kitchen, feeling more at home on the dance floor than with a skillet in hand, so Christine taught her some nutritious gluten free recipes that can be whipped up easily and with little effort, so she can impress her friends whilst still being able to squeeze into those bright and revealing dancing costumes.

Delicious mouth watering items on the menu included Chrsitine's signature Santorini Lemon Feta Dip, a Polenta Pizza with tomato sauce, topped with low fat and preservative free chicken sausage and goats cheese, and my favorite of the day; low calorie Chocolate Raspberry Brownies...OMG delicious. 

The shoot went extremely well and Christine and Kym had a lot of fun in the kitchen whipping up these healthy recipes. Take a look at the unbelievably delicious brownies below.

So whilst there were no peace sign wearing, Bob Marley listening, tie-dyed bohemian basket weavers present, It was a great learning experience for me, and I was able to walk away with some great new healthy and quick recipes - opening up my eyes to gluten free meals that are not only good for you but are delicious as well.

I know a ton of you will be emailing me for the Low Calorie Chocolate Raspberry Brownie recipe, but it will be coming out soon in Christine's new book, so I can't divulge the recipe without a publishing hit man turning up at my door with a dark glass and a wooden spoon to spank me with. So you will just have to wait. I will however be posting her Santorini Lemon Feta Dip in the next day or so. It is so easy, involves little preparation and great for entertaining. Your guests will have no idea it's healthy.

Healthy Boy x


  1. Whenever my friends mention their gluten free cooking I tend to roll my eyes thinking it was another fad, but maybe there's more to it? Are there benefits beyond its necessity for people with gluten allergies?

  2. Any information on when this segment will air?

  3. ...don't suppose you'd have a time on May 16 so I can set my DVR?

  4. LOL no, but im told it will run pretty regularly on that day and for the following two weeks
